
Bala Mandir Research & Resource Centre

A Unit of Bala Mandir Kamaraj Trust

Contact Us

Bala Mandir Research & Resource Centre,
8, G.N. Chetty Road, T Nagar,
Chennai - 600 017, Tamil Nadu, India.

Contact Us

Bala Mandir Research & Resource Centre, 8, G.N. Chetty Road, T Nagar,
Chennai - 600 017, Tamil Nadu, India.

Contact Us

Bala Mandir Research & Resource Centre
8, G.N. Chetty Road, T Nagar,
Chennai - 600 017
Tamil Nadu, India.

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Inaugurated in 2005, the Bala Mandir Resource Centre is a nodal point for parents, voluntary organisations, and professionals, to converge, and learn more about parenting and childcare, and offers a range of services.

Counselling and Consultation: Parents can meet trained professionals for counselling and advice on a wide range of problems. BMRF also organises regular open-house sessions on parenting, along with childcare facilities during the sessions for children below six years.

Discussions and Meetings: The Resource Centre has a well-equipped conference room to host meetings, seminars and talks. It also provides a forum for debates, and interactive discussions, among professionals, parents, and teachers, on effective parenting practices, and holistic child development.

Resource and Reference Materials: The Library offers a selection of resource and reference materials, including books, videos, and films on childcare and parenting, as well as teaching, and parenting aids in various local languages. The Library is open to all members of the public, including researchers, professionals and parents.

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