Expanding NIP:
From its beginnings, in 1999, as a Tamil Nadu initiative, the Network has expanded its presence into three other States; Gujarat, Karnataka, and Maharashtra. Membership has grown organically through various activities and campaigns.
In its first year, NIP was requested by UNICEF to take part in the sub-regional seminar on ‘Innovation in Early Childhood Care and Development’, and present a paper on the new Tamil Nadu initiative, wherein it laid out its commitment to promote expansion and networking in other States across India.
In 2002, NIP conducted a series of workshops, to extend membership and networking activities to NGOs across Tamil Nadu, on a zone-wise basis. The aim was to spread awareness on parenting for the child below three years, amongst institutions working with women and children, as an intervention into their on-going, service/training programmes. The zonal networking project generated valuable awareness, and feedback on the Network’s parenting activities and programmes, and opened doors to new members.
In the following years, target group workshops, based on the critical minimum components of the Network, were held for various groups, including paediatricians, obstetricians and gynaecologists, Kindergarten teachers and crèche workers, NGO personnel, parents, and youth. A special workshop for Media Advocacy and Consultation, widely spread NIP’s agenda across print and visual media.
Active participation at several State and National level workshops and conferences, between 1999 and 2002, helped to enhance the Network’s exposure and credibility. These included consultation on innovative practices, 25 years of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Southern Zone ECCD meet, State level workshop of ICDS Kerala, convergence of inter-sectorial services under ‘UDISHA’ and technical consultation of UNICEF’s programme for 2003-2007.
The Network has also gained international exposure through presentations to teams from East Africa, Myanmar and East Timor.
Working with the Government:
From 2001 – 2004, NIP worked extensively with the Government of Tamil Nadu to take forward its agenda.