
Bala Mandir Research & Resource Centre

A Unit of Bala Mandir Kamaraj Trust

Contact Us

Bala Mandir Research & Resource Centre,
8, G.N. Chetty Road, T Nagar,
Chennai - 600 017, Tamil Nadu, India.

Contact Us

Bala Mandir Research & Resource Centre, 8, G.N. Chetty Road, T Nagar,
Chennai - 600 017, Tamil Nadu, India.

Contact Us

Bala Mandir Research & Resource Centre
8, G.N. Chetty Road, T Nagar,
Chennai - 600 017
Tamil Nadu, India.

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People who share a broad vision of the immense potential of parenting have come together to form a network. Members, either in an individual or organisational capacity, come from diverse fields, and include child development experts, teachers, special educators, and health professionals.

Members are bound by informal ties and non-hierarchical relationships, based on shared values, trust, responsibility, and commitment to the Network.

The Network is managed and coordinated through a central Secretariat, with local/regional Chapters.

Membership is open, free and inclusive.

For further details, please contact the NIP Secretariat at Bala Mandir Research Foundation, Chennai or the Local Chapter nearest to you.

City/State Organisation Representative Email Telephone No
Bangalore CRT R. Padmini padgrotorg@yahoo.com 080-23467047 / 9448452465
Chennai MNC Jaya Krishnaswamy mncjksk3@gmail.com 044-28341842
Tamil Nadu   Saulina Arnold saulinaarnold@gmail.com 044-26650799 / 9444254371
Mumbai AECED Nalini Chugani n.m.chugani@gmail.com 022-56993700 / 9819649930
Pune Swadhar Anjali Bapat anjalinandabapat@gmail.com 020-24333452

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