
Bala Mandir Research & Resource Centre

A Unit of Bala Mandir Kamaraj Trust

Contact Us

Bala Mandir Research & Resource Centre,
8, G.N. Chetty Road, T Nagar,
Chennai - 600 017, Tamil Nadu, India.

Contact Us

Bala Mandir Research & Resource Centre, 8, G.N. Chetty Road, T Nagar,
Chennai - 600 017, Tamil Nadu, India.

Contact Us

Bala Mandir Research & Resource Centre
8, G.N. Chetty Road, T Nagar,
Chennai - 600 017
Tamil Nadu, India.

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We believe in the power of strong local, national, and global partnerships to ensure a successful development agenda built upon a shared vision and goals for the benefit of children everywhere.


BMRF works through NGO project partnerships in a range of fields to share knowledge and tools, build capacities, and institute and enhance parenting and holistic child development practices at the grass-roots level among socio-economically deprived communities across India.

Write to us at bmrf@balamandir.org to know more.

Network for Information on Parenting (NIP)

Join a growing network of parents, professionals, and NGOs committed to promoting effective parenting practices, accepting differences, building capacities of parents and communities, sharing ideas and information, and advocating for the rights of children.

Write to us at bmrf@balamandir.org or contact your local NIP Chapter to know more.

Partner with us

ECCD Materials & Publications
