The Bala Mandir Research Foundation (BMRF) is a unit of the Bala Mandir Kamaraj Trust (BMKT).
Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, S. Manjubhashini and K. Kamaraj established BMKT in 1949 as a welfare organisation devoted to the cause of infants and young children who are destitute, orphaned or in difficult circumstances, looking after all their needs: nutrition, health, education, vocational training and rehabilitation. Thousands of happy and well-adjusted children continue to pass through the portals of the institution, to become responsible citizens.
To enhance the holistic development of children and to provide stimulation and care beyond the physical, Bala Mandir undertook a research project in 1983 to observe the effect of personalised attention on the institutionalised child. The results of this study were positive. It paved the way for further research, which affirmed that individualised care had a significant role in shaping the health, happiness and growth of the children.
Further case studies in Ayurveda showed noticeable improvement in children who were neurologically impaired. Transcendental Meditation and Yoga were also introduced to the children to improve their concentration and self-confidence, generally found to be low in institutionalised children.
All these studies showed a need to study, analyse and document the life of the institutionalised child in greater detail, leading to the establishment of the Bala Mandir Research Foundation in 1983. Since that date, as a process of natural growth, the vision of the Foundation has expanded and its functions have become more elaborate.
Today, BMRF works for all children, particularly those in difficult circumstances, seeking to improve the interpersonal relationships between parents/caregivers and the child, and to enhance the child’s holistic development.